As we’d expect, however, things start to go wrong, and the dinosaurs live up to expectations as some of the most villainous movie monsters of all time, with appropriate disdain for their human creators. This is the alternate universe of the original Jurassic Park taken to its logical and extreme outcome: a fully functioning theme park where the animals are genetically engineered, not only to bring them back from the oblivion of extinction, but also augmented and customised for a demanding public in search of even greater thrills. The movie lives up to this maxim, packing in huge numbers of spectacular dinosaurs, as well as other marine and flying reptiles from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

“Consumers want them bigger, louder, more teeth.” So says the owner of the Jurassic World resort, where tourists can get up close and personal with some of the most impressive animals ever to walk the planet.